
How Blockchain Consensus Mechanism Works

Unless you’re living under a pineapple under the sea, you’ve probably heard about Blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In case you haven’t, Blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger that is known for facilitating the process of recording transactions and assets in a certain business network. What are those assets? Well, those assets can be tangible or… Continue reading How Blockchain Consensus Mechanism Works

What is a NFT and its practical uses besides digital assets

In the last 3 years, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), have become so famous that if you’ve never heard of them, people would genuinely think you’re a boomer. Jokes aside, these tokens are so big right now that billionaires and collectors across the globe are investing or are pouring tons of money into it, with many calling… Continue reading What is a NFT and its practical uses besides digital assets

What are Smart Contracts and how do they work ?

Before we define Smart Contracts, we have to address the bedrock upon which the concept of Smart Contracts is actually based – Blockchain. Based upon the three core fundamentals – Decentralisation, Transparency and Immutability, Blockchain is a type of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that stores data in blocks that are then linked together via a… Continue reading What are Smart Contracts and how do they work ?