
Everything You Need To Know About Vaulted And Vaultless Tokenization

A lot of people do not know this, but tokenization has been around for some time now. In the beginning, tokenization was used in ensuring the security of credit card information, which was made possible by simply converting personal data into strings of characters, but most recently, the term tokenization became famous for mainly being… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Vaulted And Vaultless Tokenization

How Fractionalized Ownership Works In NFTs

NFTs is basically a term that is given to things that are prohibited to be interchanged with other items because they have unique properties. A non-fungible token, which is a digital token, represents the ownership of a unique item, which includes digital artworks, domain names, and expensive collectibles. But because NFTs can be extremely expensive,… Continue reading How Fractionalized Ownership Works In NFTs

How Fractionalized NFTs Work And What Are Its Use Cases

From celebrities to famous social media influencers, everyone that you know these days is trying to get into the crypto world, particularly in NFTs, considering that digital artwork is doing a lot of things for those that are capable of paying huge prices. However, there’s a problem. Anyone that has been following NFT trends knows… Continue reading How Fractionalized NFTs Work And What Are Its Use Cases

Permissioned Vs. Permissionless Blockchains

Blockchain applications are used in different operations these days, and because there are different types of blockchain, each one of them has their own purpose and are unique in their own way, which is why it is important to know how each one of them is different if you’re trying to understand how they work.… Continue reading Permissioned Vs. Permissionless Blockchains

Everything You Need To Know About Tokenization And Encryption

When it comes to data security, the terms tokenization and encryption are used a lot, and it is likely that you’ve probably read these terms somewhere on the internet while using a web or mobile application but didn’t really bother knowing what they are, what they do, and how they differ from one another. The… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Tokenization And Encryption

What Is NFT Minting – Everything You Need To Know About Minting NFTs

Along with cryptocurrencies and other famous technologies that are making a lot of noise on the internet, NFTs are making headlines everywhere, considering that they are selling for an amazing amount of money and some of them are just mind boggling. One thing with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) is that people just know that they are… Continue reading What Is NFT Minting – Everything You Need To Know About Minting NFTs